This collection of original essays brings a dramatically different per-spective to bear on the contemporary crisis of journalism. Rather than seeing technological and economic change as the primary causes of current anxieties, The Crisis of Journalism Reconsidered draws atten-tion to the role played by the cultural commitments of journalism itself.Linking these professional ethics to the democratic aspirations of thebroader societies in which journalists ply their craft, it examines howthe new technologies are being shaped to sustain value commitmentsrather than undermining them. Recent technological change and theeconomic upheaval it has produced are coded by social meanings. It isthis cultural framework that actually transforms these objective changes into a crisis. The book argues that cultural codes not onlytrigger sharp anxiety about technological and economic changes, butprovide pathways to control them, so that the democratic practices of independent journalism can be sustained in new forms.
María Luengo Cruz
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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